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It’s A Miracle: Real Life Inspirational Stories, Extraordinary Events and Everyday Wonders - Richard Thomas
  • Книга добавлена в библиотеку: 28 декабря 2018, 02:22
обложка книги It’s A Miracle: Real Life Inspirational Stories, Extraordinary Events and Everyday Wonders автора Richard Thomas

Книга: It’s A Miracle: Real Life Inspirational Stories, Extraordinary Events and Everyday Wonders

Автор книги: Richard Thomas

Раздел: Жанр неизвестен

Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский


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Описание книги по бизнесу:

Richard Thomas, most famous for his portrayal of John Boy in the US television series The Waltons, presents his own selection of inspirational real-life stories of everyday miracles that have touched people’s lives, from amazing acts of heroism to miraculously answered prayers.Either astonishing coincidences, answered prayers, or amazing acts of heroism, the stories in It’s a Miracle range from angel encounters to extraordinary animal stories, from amazing rescues to remarkable medical recoveries – all inspirational tales to raise the spirits.With a foreword by Richard Thomas, this is a selection of his favourite stories (featured in his US television series, It’s a Miracle).The stories include: a man whose nightmares end after they help him save a woman’s life… a woman whose beloved dog was injured and lost during airline travel – and the woman who brought them together again… orphaned best friends, separated in childhood, who rediscover each other years later when one walks into a restaurant and sits down at the counter – next to her long-lost friend.


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