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Search Inside Yourself: Increase Productivity, Creativity and Happiness [ePub edition] - Jennie Miller
  • Книга добавлена в библиотеку: 29 декабря 2018, 02:23
обложка книги Search Inside Yourself: Increase Productivity, Creativity and Happiness [ePub edition] автора Jennie Miller

Книга: Search Inside Yourself: Increase Productivity, Creativity and Happiness [ePub edition]

Автор книги: Jennie Miller

Раздел: Жанр неизвестен

Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
ISBN: 978-0-00-746296-4

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Описание книги по бизнесу:

Can you imagine what it's like to be able to completely clear your mind and experience a deep sense of calm whenever you want?

What about the power to switch into a state of intense concentration, but at the same time be completely relaxed?

Or even to feel the beginnings of an unwanted emotion, like anger, but be able to choose whether to let it take hold of you, or simply make it dissolve and disappear?

One Google engineer managed to do just that. Chade-Meng Tan discovered a way of explaining these secrets in a way that busy, stressed-out people could instantly understand. So many fellow Google employees told him that it had changed their life that he stopped engineering to share it with the world.

The course that he still runs at Google is in this book, and it's designed in a practical way that anyone can apply to any area of their work or family life. Meng won't ask you to hug a tree or 'find your centre'. He'll use brain scans, modern science and plenty of humour to show you how a miraculous technique called mindfulness can, in just 100 minutes, begin to change your life.


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