Представленный фрагмент книги размещен по согласованию с распространителем легального контента ООО "ЛитРес" (не более 20% исходного текста). Если вы считаете, что размещение материала нарушает ваши или чьи-либо права, то сообщите нам об этом.Читателям!
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Текст бизнес-книги "Instant Business Letters"
Автор книги: Iain Maitland
Раздел: Жанр неизвестен
Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 1 страниц)

201 letters for every occasion

To Tracey, Michael and Sophie
Title Page
1 Writing Effective Letters
2 Acceptances
3 Acknowledgements
4 Announcements
5 Apologies
6 Cancellations
7 Complaints
8 Compliments
9 Condolences
10 Confirmations
11 Congratulations
12 Enclosures
13 Enquiries
14 Introductions
15 Invitations
16 Notices
17 Offers
18 References
19 Rejections
20 Reminders
21 Requests
22 Terminations
23 Thank yous
24 Warnings
Other titles in the Thorsons Business Series:
About the Author
About the Publisher
Instant Business Letters is written for you – the junior, middle or senior manager who has to write letters as part of your job. The first chapter, ‘Writing Effective Letters’, sets out all you need to know about planning a letter and choosing the correct approach, layout and style to suit every occasion. It includes a checklist questionnaire which will be of use throughout the book, and beyond.
Chapters 2 to 24 contain a wide and diverse range of letters from ‘Acceptances’ and ‘Acknowledgements’ through ‘Complaints’, ‘Enquiries’ and ‘Invitations’ to ‘Thank Yous’ and ‘Warnings’. You can use these immediately or amend them easily for your own, individual circumstances, by referring back to the first chapter and that checklist questionnaire.
Whatever your job and type and size of business, trade or industry, Instant Business Letters is relevant to you. Study a particular subject by checking the Table of Contents. Dip into it when you wish to find a specific letter by looking through the Letters Index. Read it from cover to cover if you want to learn as much as you can and become a first-class letter writer.
Iain Maitland
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