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Текст бизнес-книги "Serving leaders"
Автор книги: Ken Jennings
Раздел: Зарубежная деловая литература, Бизнес-книги
Возрастные ограничения: +12
Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 1 страниц)
Ken Jennings, John Stahl-Wert
The Serving Leader
Praise for The Serving Leader
“Most leadership books speak to your mind. This one certainly does that, but if you’ll let it… it will also speak to your soul and completely transform your leadership.”
– Jim Mellado, President, Willow Creek Association
“The Serving Leader is a must-read for all who lead and seek to lead. Jennings and Stahl-Wert have presented models of leadership that are both inspirational and compelling. In a period when so many leaders fall short, The Serving Leader tells us that this need not be. This book should be in the hands of all who lead others.”
– Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr., former Mayor, City of Philadelphia
“Your principles are right on and mirror what I have come to learn from years of leadership in the university, in business, and in the military. I think you’ve struck the right balance between providing leadership principles that can be applied in many settings and pointing to deeper issues of the meaning of work and of life. Well done!”
– John B. Hirt, PhD, Major General, United States Marine Corps
“We all think a lot about the higher purpose we have, but I, for one, have struggled with articulating its application in a broader sense of my community and business life. Thank you for so clearly laying out the relevance and dimensions of servant leadership.”
– Deb Magness, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications, David A. Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
“Jennings and Stahl-Wert have managed to capture the essence of Servant Leadership and have packaged it into a delightful and entertaining book. This book will be the standard in the leadership field for quite a while!”
– Dr. Alistair M. Hanna, Chairman, ALPHA USA, Former McKinsey and Company Director
“The Serving Leader gets to the heart of the struggle so many leaders are facing – how to live a life of true significance. I recommend this book to anyone who is facing Halftime and exploring the possibility of moving from success to significance.”
– Bob Buford, Founder and Chairman, Leadership Network, author of Halftime: Changing Your Game Plan from Success to Significance
“I see The Serving Leader as a book with very broad appeal – something for more than the management bookshelves. This is not a quick how-to business book. It could be a Prayer of Jabez class book.”
– Perry Pascarella, author of Purpose Driven Organization
“The Serving Leader is a must-read for any leader who wants to build a great organization.”
– Jim Dauwalter, President and CEO; Stan Geyer, Chairman, Entegris, Inc

The Referral of a Lifetime
The Networking System That Produces
Bottom-Line Results… Every Day!
Tim Templeton
The Serving Leader
5 Powerful Actions That Will Transform Your Team,
Your Business, and Your Community
Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert
Your Leadership Legacy
The Difference You Make in People’s Lives
Marta Brooks, Julie Stark,
and Sarah Caverhill
Formula 2 + 2
The Simple Solution for Successful Coaching
Douglas B. Allen and Dwight W. Allen
This book is dedicated to the colleagues and clients who have taught us and to “the armies of compassion” mustering in every neighborhood for the restoration of our nation’s soul
Special dedication to Philadelphia’s Amachi Initiative, one magnificent demonstration among countless others of how leaders behave when they choose to serve
Coauthor of The One Minute Manager®, Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, Raving Fans®, Gung Ho!®, Whale Done! and Full Steam Ahead!
I am thrilled to have Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert’s excellent book, The Serving Leader, as a part of the Ken Blanchard Series. This book will challenge you to lead differently. I believe it will also cause you to want to live your life differently. It presents so beautifully the simple truths that uplift the value of people.
That Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert would write this book together is a testament to the surprising nature of the book. On the surface, Ken and John could hardly be more different. Ken is a hypervelocity management consultant in constant motion between multiple corporations. John is an inner-city leader who generally stays put to work with his diverse partners creating extraordinary results for the people of one city.
But together they have crafted a singular message for leaders in businesses, communities, churches, and nonprofit organizations. From two very different life paths has come a unified vision of leadership and an understanding of human change that will make a lifelong difference for you and the people you lead and serve.
What sets this book apart most of all is the beauty and quality of the storytelling. Ken and John have brought us a moving story that you will not want to put down. An estranged son, his dying father, and a wonderfully diverse group of innovative leaders in business, volunteer organizations, and civic groups work together to grasp and illustrate the basic daily actions that make a Serving Leader.
While The Serving Leader is presented as a work of fiction, the leaders and organizations Ken and John depict are based on real situations, and the results that are described match the incredible results being achieved in real businesses and communities. At the end of the book, the authors introduce us to some of these real-life leadership miracle stories.
On one level, The Serving Leader is the most practical guide available to implementing servant leadership in your life and work. On a deeper level, it is a book about the journey of growth that every great leader must be willing to take.
It gives me a special satisfaction to introduce you to the beautiful and life-challenging work of two of my good friends. Enjoy this book and be encouraged. You were born to make a difference!
This is a story about leadership: leadership in teams, businesses, and communities. It is also a story about personal growth and how good leaders become great leaders through their willingness to face and be changed by the greatest challenges of their lives.
The story comes out of our friendship with Mike Wilson. Mike is a man we both know well. He shows up everywhere in the businesses and neighborhoods we serve. The circumstances of place and vocation vary, but Mike is always there. As a leader, he’s professionally talented and highly motivated to successfully reach his business and financial goals.
But Mike wants his life to be about more than success. He’s searching for the deeper significance of his leadership and for the satisfaction of living a life of real purpose. In this deeper search, however, Mike often feels very unsuccessful; sometimes, he feels completely lost.
As we’ve shared this story with our friends, these questions usually arise: “Is Mike’s story real? And if it is, where can I find him?” Here’s the best answer we have: Mike’s story is real. And the chances are reasonable that you’ll find someone like him occupying the office next to yours. She rides on the train with you each morning. You pass him in the hallway every day. Glance up from your reading and look around; she might be sitting right there in the room with you now.
Perhaps it would be helpful to say a brief word here about the friendship out of which this story was born. We two at first glance appear to have little in common. Ken is a business consultant who resides in the flight matrix that connects the great urban centers of America, Europe, and Asia. John is a community leader who resides and works in one great city. By strategic design, he leaves that city and his citywide colleagues as infrequently as possible. Ken works with bottom-line business leaders, John with frontline community leaders. Ken’s work focuses on the corporate sector, John’s on the faith-based sector. In terms of space and time, Ken’s work is space expansive and more time limited; John’s is the other way around.
These differences aside, our lives are much the same. We both work with men and women like Mike Wilson every day. In whatever airport Ken lands and on whatever street John walks, Mike is there, trying to close the painful gap between his hard-working day and his persistent sense of unfulfilled purpose.
Since we’re making introductions here, we may as well go one step further. We, too, are Mike Wilson. While the details may be fictional, at its deepest level Mike’s story is real – and very true.
Perhaps you will recognize yourself in parts of this story, too. If so, then you are already on your way. We hope these pages will offer you some guidance as well as encouragement as you continue on the journey of both professional and personal growth that great leadership requires.
Why am I sitting on this train? If I had taken a flight, I’d already be there. Instead, I’ve got four more hours to sit here and fume about what I’ve gotten myself into.
I feel like I’m eight years old again. Dad says, “Why don’t you ride down on the train, Son! It’ll give you a chance to think.” And so I just do it. Like I’ve got time to sit for hours, thinking. Like I actually enjoy trains.
The thing about trains is this: trains only show you what you’re passing, not where you’re headed. Whatever you can see out the window is already old news. Been there. Regularly, the track bends enough that you can catch a glimpse of the journey ahead, but as soon as the train straightens its aim for the goal, you’re left sitting in the back just watching stuff go past. An hour into this trip, I’m way past bored.
Scratch that last sentence. I’m not bored. And, truthfully, being stuck on this train is not what I’m really troubled about. What upsets me is the fact that I don’t know what’s waiting for me at the end of this track. And I’m afraid to find out. I’m deeply worried about Dad. I don’t know how I’m going to pass so much time sitting here just with myself.
And more truth: I used to like trains. A lot. It’s one of the memories I do have with Dad. One of the too-few memories. And that’s what this is really about. Sitting here reminds me of so much that I’ve lost. So much!
There you have it, boss: a journal entry. I’d say I’m well on my way!
All right, Mike, enough time on the therapist’s couch. Here’s a thought: scratch it all out. I doubt Charlie wants to read the sorry ramblings of a lost son.
Please let my dad be okay!
Okay, new start. Official sounding.
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