![обложка книги Morning: How to make time: A manifesto автора Allan Jenkins](http://biznes-knigi.com/books_files/covers/thumbs_300/morning-how-to-make-time-a-manifesto-11791.png)
Книга: Morning: How to make time: A manifesto
Автор книги: Allan Jenkins
Раздел: Жанр неизвестен
Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
Размер: 0б
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‘This is my manifesto for morning.There is an energy in the earlier hours, an awareness I enjoy. In today’s world we tend to wake as late as we can, timed to when we have to work. But we don’t need to chase the day.’In Morning, Allan Jenkins shows how getting up earlier even once a week or month can free us to be more imaginative, to maybe read, to walk, to write. He talks to other early risers such as Jamie Oliver and Samuel West, to poets and painters. We hear from a neuroscientist about sleep, a philosopher about dawn, a fisherman about light. Allan wakes early, he listens, he looks. He introduces us to a secret world.This is a celebration of dawn and morning: the best time of day.
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