Книга: Be a Sales Superstar. 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier in Tough Markets
Автор книги: Brian Tracy
Раздел: Зарубежная деловая литература, Бизнес-книги
Возрастные ограничения: +12
Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
ISBN: 9781605096940
Размер: 0б
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Brian Tracy shares the most important principles for sales success he has discovered in 30 years of training more than a half million sales professionals in 23 countries. Based on Tracy’s detailed discussions with top salespeople and his keen observation of their methods, as well as his own experiences as a record-breaking salesman, these guidelines address both the inner game of selling—the mental component—and the outer game of selling—the methods and techniques of actually making the sale. Concise and action-oriented, Be a Sales Superstar is a handbook for busy sales professionals, providing key ideas and techniques that will immediately increase your effectiveness and boost your results. Brian Tracy shows you how to: • Get more and better appointments, easier; • Build high rapport in the first few minutes; • Make better, more effective sales presentations • Close more sales faster than ever before Apply Tracy’s 21 great ways to be a superstar salesperson, and your success in selling will become unlimited.
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