Книга: Cool Careers
Автор книги: Carolyn Boyes
Раздел: Жанр неизвестен
Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
Размер: 0б
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Find a job that fits you perfectly: don't settle for anything less. You could make money as a City Trader – or make a difference as a Carbon Trader. You could be a Museum Curator or a Spa Reviewer – or if you want to make an impact, how about becoming a Demolition Expert? There's a Cool Career to suit everyone, so get your thinking cap on.It is not always easy to decide what career you might like. How do you make the decision? Based on what your friends do? On what you have done in your life so far? On your current qualifications or skills?Well, if you are content with any old career so be it. But if, on the other hand, you are looking for a career that will keep you fascinated, a Cool Career, this is the book for you.This book contains around 500 of the coolest careers around from Laser Artist to AmbassadorCool Careers is not an A to Z career guide. A career is not simply something you should pick off the shelf like a tin of baked beans. It is what you are going to spend most of your time doing for the rest of your life so it's worth giving it some thought.Cool Careers starts where you're at – are you an Adreneline junkie, want to see the world, does money talk for you? Do you love animals, emails or engines? Are you always the first to know things? Find the lists that apply to you, and the ideas and inspiration that follows.Jam-packed with sound career advice and creative suggestions in a fun and accessible format, Cool Careers is the ideal first resource for new starters or job changers alike.
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