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Текст бизнес-книги "Business English. TEXTBOOK №1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах"
Автор книги: Елена Иванова
Раздел: О бизнесе популярно, Бизнес-книги
Возрастные ограничения: +16
Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 3 страниц)
Спряжение глагола to be в прошедшем времени. (я была, он был…)
(+) I / He / She / It – was / I was in my office
They / We / You – were / They were right
(-) I / He / She / It – was not = wasn’t
They / We / You – were not = weren’t
(?) Was I? / Was he?/ Was she? Was it?
Were they? / Were we? Were you?
Who was in the office yesterday?

Exercise №3
– You (to be) at our new cinema yesterday? There (to be)
a very interesting film on.
– I remember I (to be) there a few weeks ago. There (to be)
a lot of people.
– You (to be) there alone, (not to be) you? Who (to be)
with you?
– No, I (to be) there with my friends.
– The film (to be) interesting?
– I advise you to watch this movie. It (to be) impressive.
– Thanks
Exercise №3.1
– Who (to be) in the office yesterday after 6p.m.?
– As I know, Mike (to be), why?
– There (to be) very important documents on my table,
but now they aren’t.
– Which documents (to be) there?
– First of all, there (to be) a draft contract for delivery
of equipment. In addition, there (to be) some reports.
– I really don’t know. I remember some documents (to be)
in that red folder. Mike brought them and put them in.
– Probably somebody took them and misplaced as usual.
Exercise №3.2
– You (to be) right! It (to be) a waste of time.
– From the other side, you (to be) right too, because you
(not to be) sure in result but now you know for sure.
– Yes, the pump (to be) really out of order.
– Anyway, It (to be) necessary to check it again.
I think we need extra hands. There (to be) something wrong
with a forklift.
– There (to be) any urgent work there?
– Yes. The warehouse number 3 had to be cleaned
out as soon as possible.
Exercise №3.3
– I saw Nelly, She (to be) so tired that couldn’t move.
It (to be) a very hard day. There (to be) a lot of work
at the office yesterday. We (not to be) ready for
the talks with the Customer. Necessary documents
(not to be) prepared.
– You (to be) nervous?
– No, I (to be) angry! My assistant (to be) out. I was
said that she (to be) ill, that‘s why she (to be) absent.
– I am sorry! It (to be) really hard day yesterday.
Exercise №3.4
– What’s the problem? I was said that some of
workers had no gas sensor devices. As I know there
(to be) a number of similar sensors at the warehouse.
– In fact, we ordered only definite quantity of the devices.
Probably Safety Engineer (to be) right and there (to be) no
sensors any more.
– Why you didn’t think of it before?
– We didn’t expect that we would have to attract so many
workforces for the Shutdown.
Спряжение глагола to be в будущем времени. (я буду, он будет…)
(+) I shall be – I’ll be / We’ll be/ He will be – He’ll be /
She’ll be / It’ll be / They’ll be / You’ll be
– I’ll be busy tomorrow.
(-) I shall not be – I shan’t be / We shan’t be /
He will not be – He won’t be / She won’t be /
It won’t be / They won’t be / You won’t be
– They won’t be ready by that time.
(?) Shall I be? / Shall we be? / Will he be? / Will she be? /
Will it be? Will they be? / Will you be?
– Shall I help you? Will you help me?
В современном английском will используется со всеми лицами,
так что можете, смело сказать – I will be happy!
We will be at the plant in a half an hour.

Gas Processing Plant
Exercise №4
– I hope, I (to be) on holiday next month. I (to be)
in the country. It (to be) country-holiday…..
– Oh, there (to be) a lot of interesting for you I think.
As I understand it (to be) your first trip to the country.
– I am sure it (not to be) boring there. And where
you (to be) this summer?
– Unfortunately. I (to be) in town because I have much
work to do this summer.
Exercise №4.1
– He (to be) at the plant tomorrow?
– I am afraid he won’t. He is leaving tonight. He (to be)
on business till the end of the next week.
– What a pity! Who (to be) instead him?
– I suppose Peter. He (to be) in the office tomorrow.
– Well, I (to be) in your office tomorrow afternoon.
– Ok, we’ll be waiting for you.
Exercise №4.2
– They (to be) busy after lunch? I’d like to discuss
some things.
– Perhaps, they will. They (to be) on the object.
– By the way, when (to be) the meeting?
– The meeting (to be) at 11a. m. Managers of all departments
(to be) there.
– You (to be) there too?
– Of’ course!
– They say there (to be) some changes in work schedule.
– Yes, we are planning to complete works till the end of the
year so we will have to work overtime.
– It (to be) hard month. But from other hand salary (to be)
more. Isn’t it good news?
– It’s all the same to me, I work on rotation. I hope
I (not to be) at work on New Year Holiday as usual.
– Don’t you work on New Year Holiday?
– Yes, three years in row.
– It’s just your luck!
Exercise №4.3
– Hello, Paul Do you remember me? We studied together.
I’m Lena. I’ll be working with you.
– Oh, I remember you, of’course! How are you?
Come in. It (to be) your work place. Make
yourself comfortable! Believe me, you (to be) very busy
all this week. There (to be) too much work in the office.
– I (to be) hardworking, I’ll do the best.
– If you do it, it (to be) right. I’m sure you (to be)
one of the best specialists.
– I hope you (not to be) a crazy boss…
– Don’t worry I (to be) a wise boss.
– We (to be) a good team. You can trust in me.
– I also happy that you (to be) one of us. I know you are
а reliable person.
– Nice to hear it. Thanks a lot.
– You are welcome.
Раскройте скобки используя правило спряжения глагола to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени
Exercise №5
– Hello Sofia, there (to be) any letters for me?
– Yes, there (to be) some letters from our Providers.
They (to be) here. And here (to be) our invoice for a Customer.
Could you sign it, please?
– That (to be) ok, I’ll look and sign it a little later.
The meeting (to be) at 9 a.m., isn’t it?
– Yes, it (to be) at 9 sharp.
– When the memorandum (to be) ready?
– It (to be) ready yet.
– I hope it (to be) on my table after the meeting?
– Ok, anything else?
– No thanks. Tell everybody I (to be) busy till 9 a.m. And
print out all reports for previous month. They must be
on my table as soon as possible.
– I’ll do everything.
Exercise №5.1
– Mr. Douglas (to be) in?
– No, I’m afraid, he (not to be) in office till the end
of the month. He (to be) on business.
– When exactly he (to be) back?
– I suppose, on the 10th of April, but I (not to be) sure.
May be he (to be) available a little bit earlier.
– By the way, where he (to be) now?
– He (to be) in Rom.
– Oh, I (to be) in Rom last year in September. It (to be)
– You (to be) there on business?
– No, it (to be) my holiday. I traveled with my family.
Exercise №5.2
– How do you do! We (to be) very glad to know that
you (to be) interested in our goods.
– How do you do! Yes, we‘ve got your catalogue already.
There (to be) a lot of different goods which
we (to be) interested in. We (to be) ready to place an order.
– That (to be) a good news! We (to be)
happy to cooperate with you again.
– Nice to hear that!
– Frankly speaking, you always (to be) reliable partners.
Your goods (to be) always in great demand.
– Because the quality of our goods (to be) high. We control it.
– I hope, our cooperation (to be) successful. We are
going to make a big order.
– No doubt! We are looking forward to our cooperation.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский используя правило спряжения глагола to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени
План работ – job plan /
На месторождении (здесь) – in the field
Подпись – signature / На отдыхающей вахте – off shift
Объем работ– scope of work / Инспекция– inspection
Я боюсь что… – I’m afraid…
Вы ошиблись номером – you dialed a wrong number
Предложение– an offer /
Контрактный отдел – contract department
На улице– outside
Сильный мороз —bad cold
Exercise №6
Я в отделе кадров. Менеджера здесь нет.
Менеджер был здесь вчера до обеда?
Нет, его не было. Я не уверен, но может быть он в отделе ТБ.
Он был там вчера вечером.
Я уверен, ты будешь хорошим руководителем.
Это будет правильно.
Что это? Это план работ на следующий месяц.
Объем работ очень большой.
Там на моем столе список телефонных номеров работников
нашего отдела.
Когда будет инспекция? Я думаю, она будет в конце недели.
Меня не будет в это время здесь. Я буду в отпуске.
Вы ошибаетесь, я не переводчик, я бухгалтер,
а он инженер, а переводчик в следующей комнате.
Exercise №6.1
Алло! Говорите! Кто это? Его нет дома. Я боюсь.
что вы ошиблись номером.
Это не сложно. Что случилось? Это не правильно.
Все прекрасно. Это было интересное предложение.
Он был очень зол.
Это твоя подпись? Нет, это подпись нашего супервайзера.
Где он сейчас? Он на месторождении.
Они не были в контрактном отделе.
Она будет занята завтра весь день.
Я была на отдыхающей вахте на прошлой неделе.
Эти документы были на моем столе вчера,
но сейчас их нет. Где они?
На улице холодно? Нет, там тепло. Вчера было холоднее.
Говорят, завтра будет сильный мороз.
Это будет хорошим уроком для вас.
Complete the dialogues

Exercise №7
– Hello! My name (to be) Mark. I (to be) from Germany.
And where you (to be) from?
– I (to be) from Poland. I (to be) Polish. This (to be) my sister.
Her name (to be) Maria.
– You (to be) from Warsaw?
– No, we (not to be) from Warsaw. We (to be) from Gdynia.
– I’ve never heard about your city. It (to be) beautiful?
– Yes, our city (to be) special!
And what about you? What city you (to be) from?
– I (to be) from Nuremberg, but now I live in Berlin.
And my aunt lives in Warsaw, that (to be) why I know this city.
I’ve been there twice.
– What a small world!
English unites different people. Isn’t it great?
– You‘re absolutely right.
Exercise №8
– Don’t worry! There (to be) people from
different companies.They have different jobs.
Come in! This (to be) Mary. She (to be) a manager’s assistant.
– Hello Mary! How long have you been learning English?
– I’ve just started. What (to be) your name?
– Nina. I (to be) from Russia.
– What (to be) your job?
– I (to be) a bank clerk. Look, who (to be) that man?
– This (to be) Timur. He (to be) from Kazakhstan.
– He (to be) very young. He (to be) a student?
– Now, he (not to be) a student yet. He (to be) a lawyer.
– It (to be) hard to learn English in a big group?
– I don’t think that our group (to be) very big.
There (to be) only seven persons in it. We all learnt
English before and came here to improve it.
– I hope, I’ll make great progress working with you.
– I personally believe that the practice is the best teacher,
so let’s start our lesson. Who (to be) ready to tell a story from
own life?
– May I have a word?
– Sure.
Exercise №9
– What (to be) your full name? Where (to be) you from?
– Mark Archie. I (to be) from Birmingham.
– How old (to be) you? You (to be) a student?
– No, I (not to be) a student yet. I have graduated
the university already. I (to be) twenty-five.
– What (to be) your job? Do you work?
– Yes, I do. I (to be) an engineer.
– Take this form and fill it up. Write there your address and
phone number. Where did you study and what other skills do
you have. Then bring it to me when it (to be) ready.
– Shall I do it right now?
– Surely! The sooner the better!
– Ok, I’ll do the best.
– If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate, ask me.
– Ok, thanks.
Прежде чем приступать к следующим заданиям, убедитесь что вы хорошо усвоили предыдущий материал. Повторите новые слова. Перечитайте диалоги ещё раз. Всегда читайте вслух (вы должны слышать как вы произносите слова). Если не уверенны в правильности своего произношения. Введите слово в любой «online» переводчик и прослушайте как оно звучит, затем повторите его несколько раз.
Translate the dialogues into English
Exercise №10
– Скажите, пожалуйста, где столовая?
– Вон там, справа, за тем желтым зданием.
– Спасибо. А который сейчас час?
– Минуточку! Сейчас без четверти двенадцать.
Время пообедать. Вы так не думаете? Давайте пойдем
в столовую вместе.
– Да, вы правы. Пойдемте.
– Кстати, как вас зовут?
– Ксения.
– А меня Максим. Приятно познакомиться.
Exercise №10.1
– Кто это?
– Это наш новый бухгалтер. Она такая зануда! Мне
она не нравится.
– Она хороший работник?
– Да, бухгалтер она хороший но человек плохой.
– Ты знаешь, сколько ей лет? Она замужем?
– Я не знаю точно. Может быть ей около 35. Но
она определенно не замужем.
Exercise №10.2
– Где твой ассистент?
– Анна? Она в следующей комнате, но она очень
занята в данный момент.
– Кто должен переводить письма? Кто отвечает
за эту работу?
– Она. Может быть, она просто забыла.
– Скажите ей, что это срочно.
Настоящее продолженное Present Continuous
(То, что происходит в момент речи)

(+) I’m working —я работаю (сейчас)
He’s working / She’s working / It’s working
They’re working / We’re working. / You’re working
(-) I’m not working
He isn’t working / She isn’t working / It isn’t working
They aren’t working / We aren’t working You aren’t working
(?) Am I working?
Is he working? / Is she working? / Is it working?
Are they working? / Are we working? / Are you working?
Where are you going now?
Exercise №11
– You (to have) lunch now?
– Now, I (not to have) lunch I (to type) a letter to a Customer.
– At lunchtime? And what Ann (to do) now? Is she in office?
– Yes, but she (to drink) coffee in the coffee-room. And what
about you? What you (to do) now?
– I (to go) to the Tax Office right now.
– You (to work) without lunch too, aren’t you?
– Yes. Today is а busy day. I have no time for lunch.
Exercise №11.1
– What you (to do) now? You (to write) a message?
– Yes, I (to write) a message to my coworker.
She is on а business now. Why she doesn’t answer?
– May be she (to chatter) right now.
– No, she (to come) back tomorrow and I’m sure,
she (to make) a report regarding to her business trip now.
– You (to joke)? It’s 9 p.m.! Who (to work) at such a late hour?
– I am. I always work untill I finish all tasks planned for the day.
– You are a perfectionist, I see.
Exercise №11.2
– Look at the monitor. You can see how I (to make) up
the table in Excel.
– You (to be going to) fill up it later?
– Surely! But now I (to do) it slowly because I
want to teach you to work on a computer
with different programs.
– Well, I (to listen) to you attentively.
– Look, I (to open) a new Word document. Push here
if you want to save information.
– What shall I do if I want to underline anything? Wait,
what you (to do) right now?
– I (to use) the mouse to select а needed piece of information
and (to push) «underline». You can see how it’s easy.
– It looks like easy work. May I try to do it myself?
– It’s really very easy. Of ’course you may.
Exercise №11.3
– Hello Alex! You (to be) in office now?
– Yes, why?
– What you (to do)?
– I (to check) my mailbox and (to answer) the letters.
– You (to go) to the canteen? It’s 12 a.m. already.
– Oh, you’re right. Where are you now?
– I’m outside. I (to wait) for you.
– Well, I (to come down). Just a minute!
– You are always late for lunch!
– But I’m never late for work!
– Oh, sometimes you are so tedious!
– But you are always anxious and try to make jokes any time.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский, используя Present Continuous
Каждый раз когда встречаете новое для вас слово или выражение, не оставляйте его без внимания. Выписывайте новые слова в свою рабочую тетрадь. Составляйте с ними словосочетания и предложения. Это поможет эффективно увеличивать ваш словарный запас. Помните: СЛОВА ЛУЧШЕ ЗАПОМИНАЮТСЯ В КОНТЕКСТЕ.
Объяснять – to explain / Схема– diagram
Таблица– table / Результаты– results
Чепуха– nonsense / Объем работ– scope of work
Оценивать– to evaluate / Обменивать– to exchange
Публиковать– to publish / Точный– accurate
Очень четко– very clear / Выразить– to express
Точка зрения– point of view / Проводить– to hold
ТБ-техника безопасности– Safety (HSE)
Объяснительная– explanatory note /
Бронировать– to book
На территории завода– on the plant’s area /
Составлять– to compile
Медосмотр – medical check up
Exercise №12
Я еду в главный офис. Он говорит по телефону сейчас. Она улыбается. Он объясняет причину его отсутствия.
Мы не читаем, мы пишем. Они отдыхают сегодня. Он спит сейчас? – Нет, он разговаривает по телефону.
Вы пишите письмо? Я пишу отчет. Она не ждет вас, она переводит контракт.
Что Дэвид делает в данный момент? – Он показывает одному из наших инженеров схемы и таблицы.
Подождите, компьютер анализирует информацию. А сейчас вы смотрите на результаты.
Они не слушают вас, в данный момент они пьют кофе и разговаривают о разной чепухе.
Мы не говорим по телефону, мы обсуждаем некоторые проблемы. Мы оцениваем весь объем работ.
Exercise №12.1
Мы проверяем почту. Что они делают в данный момент?
Они обмениваются номерами.
Она ищет новую работу? – Нет, она публикует объявление.
Он задает тебе вопросы. Ты слушаешь меня?
Я не смотрю на вас.
Мы обедаем сейчас, а вы? – Мы отдыхаем.
Он ищет точную информацию об этой компании.
Она очень четко выражает её точку зрения
относительно данной ситуации.
Exercise №12.2
Они проводят инспекцию в данный момент. А что делает
ваш инженер по ТБ? – Он готовит меморандум для подрядчиков.
Она занята, она регистрирует новые заявки. Мы тоже заняты,
мы готовим отчет за прошлый месяц.
Привет Марк! Что делаешь? – Я пишу объяснительную.
Она как раз в этот момент бронирует вам номер в гостинице.
Где они работают сейчас? – они работают на территории завода.
Не мешай мне! Я составляю списки работников, которые
должны пройти медосмотр.
Суперинтендант проводит общее собрание в главном
офисе в данный момент, боюсь, что все руководители
отделов сейчас там.
Они проводят инспекцию производственных
помещений (production facilities) в данное время.
Конструкция to be going to в настоящем времени (собираться что– то делать в ближайшее время)

(+) I’m going to (я собираюсь…)
He’s / She’s / It’s going to
They’re / We’re / You’re going to
– I am going to have dinner.
(-) I’m not going to
He isn’t / She isn’t / It isn’t going to
They aren’t / We aren’t / You aren’t going to
– He is not going to help you.
(?) Am I going to?
Is he going to? / Is she going to? / Is it going to?
Are they going to? /Are we going to? / Are you going to?
– Are you going to work or not?
– Aren’t you going to learn English?
By the way – кстати /
the sooner the better – чем скорее тем лучше
Peacefully– мирным путем /
Lawyer – юрист
Avoid- избегать
Timesheets – табели рабочего времени
Exercise №13
What you (to be going to) do tonight?
I (to be going to) revise grammar. And you?
I (to be going to) visit my friends. They (to be going to)
give a party and I want to join them.
You (not to be going to) correct your article?
Yes, I (to be going to) do it tomorrow morning.
Exercise №13.1
When they (to be going to) start work on this object?
As I know, they (to be going to) do it next week.
Ok, the sooner the better! By the way, where is Stefan?
He (to be going to) make up a complaint?
No, he (not to be going to) do it. He (to be going to) solve
everything peacefully.
Well, when you (to be going to) phone to him?
I (to be going to) do it after lunch.
Exercise №13.2
They (to be going to) check all documents at the law
As far as I know they (to be going to) run inspection only
at the account department.
It’s ok. Mark was afraid of the inspection. You know, he (to be
going to) take vacation next week.
Is there anything wrong with documentation? You (to be
going to) let him avoid the responsibility?
No. Everything is ok. He’s just afraid of any inspections.
Exercise №13.3
As I know, she (to be going to) copy all these contracts again,
isn’t she?
Yes, she is. And after that she (to be going to) register all
of them.
She (not to be going to) fill up the timesheets?
She is, but in the afternoon.
What you (to be going to) do after lunch?
I (to be going to) ring up to our accountant
You (to be going to) ask about salary?
No, it connected with invoices. I want to know when they
(to be going to) submit them to a Customer.
The invoices had been ready when I dropped in the accounting
department this morning. I suppose they (to be going to)
submit them in the nearest time.
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Оплатили, но не знаете что делать дальше?