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How to Do Everything and Be Happy: Your step-by-step, straight-talking guide to creating happiness in your life - Peter Jones
  • Книга добавлена в библиотеку: 29 декабря 2018, 02:23
обложка книги How to Do Everything and Be Happy: Your step-by-step, straight-talking guide to creating happiness in your life автора Peter Jones

Книга: How to Do Everything and Be Happy: Your step-by-step, straight-talking guide to creating happiness in your life

Автор книги: Peter Jones

Раздел: Жанр неизвестен

Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский


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Описание книги по бизнесу:

Do you ever feel that you could be – well – just that little bit happier? This simple book reveals how you can be happy every day, through these surprisingly easy tips and advice.Whoever you are, whatever you do, and whatever is holding you back, you can do it AND be happy.How To Do Everything and Be Happy is a book for ordinary people, with ordinary lives. People who have been ambling along and wondering if things would be better if they were just a little different. It's a book for most people. It's a book for you.Peter Jones was once a normal guy. Sometimes frustrated, often dissatisfied, but always working hard towards a ‘happily every after’ he would share with his wife Kate.But when Kate died in Peter’s arms after just 2 years and 3 months of marriage, he realised his days had been spent working towards a fantasy, instead of making every hour count. Alone, at rock bottom, Peter discovered that the secret to happiness is simple: it’s about filling your time with the things that make you happy.If you've got a brain in your head, if you can pick up a pen, if you've got half an idea about what makes you smile, this book will show you how to do that.Peter’s ideas are born from hard-won experience. Like Boxing Day: originally a day Peter and Kate spent together, without plans or restrictions, as an antidote to the chaos of Christmas. When Kate passed away, Peter continued the tradition by himself, doing whatever came to mind: it turned out to be the most refreshing, relaxing and fulfilling few hours he’d ever had. And its effects could be felt throughout the month.Practical, amusing and mumbo-jumbo-free, How To Do Everything And Be Happy does exactly what it says on the tin.


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