Книга: An Angel on My Shoulder
Автор книги: Theresa Cheung
Раздел: Жанр неизвестен
Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
Размер: 0б
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Following in the hugely popular ‘Angel Saved My Life’ series comes a moving collection of real-life stories from the Afterlife.Following in the bestselling An Angel Saved My Life series, An Angel on my Shoulder is an inspiring collection of true stories about the guardian angels who protect us, warn us and guide us from the other side.• A kicking and screaming angel saves a woman from dying on a train.• A grieving daughter is comforted by the kiss of an angel.• A mysterious stranger protects a young girl from a mugging – and then vanishes.• A animal angel saves a family from carbon monoxide poisoning.These are just some of the amazing accounts in this inspiring collection of true stories.
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