Книга: Learn to say Good-Bye
Автор книги: Tõnn Sarv
Раздел: Личностный рост, Книги по психологии
Язык книги: английский
Язык оригинала: русский
ISBN: 9789949386796
Размер: 45 Кб
Why are there so many books about getting into relationships, maintaining them and improving them? About how to impress, how to seduce, how to have sex… We find only a few books, maybe no book at all, about how to end a relationship… True, there are heaps of books about the causes and the statistics of divorces, lots of legal advice, hundreds of tips about how to avoid a divorce and how to get over its consequences. But no one has written about the event, the actual break-up. There are no common nor general solutions. People are different, and their relationships are different. But this small book can perhaps be of some help to everyone. If there is nothing left to try, learn to say ‘good-bye’.
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