Книги по бизнесу и учебники по экономике. 8 000 книг, 4 000 авторов

» Бизнес-книги в оригинале на языке - русский

Бизнес-книги в оригинале на языке - русский

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  • 3 марта 2017, 04:04
скачать книгу Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge автора Geoffrey Bellman

Раздел: Зарубежная деловая литература, Бизнес-книги

You are not in charge and you want to make a difference: that is the dilemma. You may not know who is in charge in today's changing, temporary, and virtual organizations, but you know you are not! You are searching for ways to contribute through the work you do and gain some personal satisfaction in the process. This book can help you do just that. In this new edition of his classic book, Geoff Bellman shows readers how to make things happen in any organization regardless of their formal position. The new edition has been written for a wider audience, including people in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, paid and volunteer workers, managers and individual contributors, contract and freelance workers. More than seventy percent of the material is brand new, including new examples, new chapters, new exercises, and much...
  • 3 марта 2017, 04:04
скачать книгу Synchronicity. The Inner Path of Leadership автора Joseph Jaworski

Раздел: Зарубежная деловая литература, Бизнес-книги

We’ve all had those perfect moments when events that could never be predicted, let alone controlled, remarkably seem to guide us along our path. Carl Jung called this phenomena “synchronicity” – “a collaboration between persons and events that seems to enlist the cooperation of fate.” In this book, Joseph Jaworski argues that the right state of mind will make you the kind of person who can enlist the cooperation of fate and take advantage of synchronicity, creating the conditions for “predictable miracles.” If you are tired of being the victim of circumstances, this book will teach you to be the kind of person who creates your own circumstances. Jaworski shares the story of his own escape from an inauthentic life and his journey into a world filled with possibility. He maps out the inner path of leadership for those who feel the call to achieve their full potential, using his own life story to teach readers a greater truth. He examines the fundamental shifts of mind that free us to seek out the power of synchronicity. After reading this book, you will discover your own power to help those realities unfold. You will learn to “listen” to realities that want to emerge in this world and acquire the courage to help them be born. "Synchronicity illustrates that leadership is about the release of human possibilities, about enabling others to break free of limits – created organizationally or self-imposed. Although this book describes the author's personal journey, it contains profound messages about organizational learning and effectiveness." – Scientific...
  • 27 февраля 2017, 04:01
скачать книгу Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB автора  Deutschland

Раздел: Юриспруденция и право, Наука и Образование

HGB Ausfertigungsdatum: 10.05.1897 Vollzitat: "Handelsgesetzbuch in der im Bundesgesetzblatt Teil III, Gliederungsnummer 4100-1, veröffentlichten bereinigten Fassung, das zuletzt durch Artikel 3 des Gesetzes vom 22. Dezember 2015 (BGBl. I S. 2565) geändert worden ist" Stand: Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 3 G v. 22.12.2015 I...
  • 4 февраля 2017, 04:03
скачать книгу Learn to say Good-Bye автора Tõnn Sarv

Раздел: Личностный рост, Книги по психологии

Why are there so many books about getting into relationships, maintaining them and improving them? About how to impress, how to seduce, how to have sex… We find only a few books, maybe no book at all, about how to end a relationship… True, there are heaps of books about the causes and the statistics of divorces, lots of legal advice, hundreds of tips about how to avoid a divorce and how to get over its consequences. But no one has written about the event, the actual break-up. There are no common nor general solutions. People are different, and their relationships are different. But this small book can perhaps be of some help to everyone. If there is nothing left to try, learn to say...
  • 1 января 2017, 04:00
скачать книгу Journeys in the Search for the Meaning of Life. A story of those who have found it автора Rami Bleckt

Раздел: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

The author of this book is a person with the extraordinary fate. He gave professional consultations to thousands of people from all over the world, conducted seminars and workshops in many countries and travelled a lot. This is the reason that even for a minor character in this book we are faced with real people. A part of the described events the author experienced himself. The book contains neither religious nor political concept. This wonderful book of interesting people's realistic stories gives reader not only a pleasant way of spending time but teachers a great deal of useful things. Every person could practically find something important in it that would change his life for the...
  • 28 декабря 2016, 04:02
скачать книгу Koučingo praktika vadovams автора Tomas Misiukonis

Раздел: Зарубежная деловая литература, Бизнес-книги

Tai pirmoji lietuvių autoriaus knyga apie pasaulyje itin paplitusio koučingo (angl. coaching) tikslus, problematiką ir taikymo metodus. Knyga skirta padėti vadovams išmokti taikyti koučingą kasdieniame darbe, vadovaujant ir skatinant savo darbuotojus tobulėti. Joje aptariama koučingo plėtra organizacijose, atskleidžiama jo nauda ir taikymo galimybės tiek individualiu, tiek visos organizacijos lygmeniu; pateikiamas koučingo pokalbio valdymo modelis ir platus praktinių pavyzdžių spektras, pristatantis situacijas, kuriose vadovai galėtų taikyti šį pažangų vadovavimo...
  • 23 декабря 2016, 04:02
скачать книгу Xenophobia, radicalism and hate crime in Europe 2015 автора Валерий Энгель

Раздел: Иностранные языки, Наука и Образование

The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and Ukraine, as countries who play a significant role in political and economic processes in...
  • 8 декабря 2016, 04:04
скачать книгу Russian business law: the essentials автора Evgeny Gubin

Раздел: О бизнесе популярно, Бизнес-книги

This publication is intended to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. However, this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require a legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other...
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